Done For You Service

Work With Us To Build Your Funnels And Launch Your Course

Scaling an online course isn't about finding the perfect Instagram Ad, or inventing a killer landing page.

You start by emptying your head and finding the one small promise that has a big impact, that they would give anything for.

From there it's an end-to-end process that encompasses your niche. You need to win on; economics, course design, community management, and all sorts of other aspects of sales and marketing.

The reason so many agencies fail in scaling courses is because they only deliver parts of these tasks themselves and sub-contract the rest out. There is no certainty of outcome.

And that is why Audience Blueprint is different."

Roger Percy

How Our 'Done For You' Service Works๐Ÿ†

By Focussing On The Entire Process, We Make Sure There Are No Stumbling Blocks That Would Prevent Your Course From Scaling

Phase 01

Program Creation

When you sign up, you'll immediately be assigned a dedicated Project Manager. Then at a time you commit to, you'll get on the first of at least two video calls.

The first is fairly short, whereby we'll establish what we call the 'Offer Architecture'. We'll agree if we start with a micro book, a webinar, a mini course or some other strategy. We'll establish the right market and perfect you offer. Plus give you an idea where we expect sales to reach; from ยฃ25k to ยฃ1M per month, or somewhere in between. On the second call we will interview you for several hours to do a deep dive on your niche. During which we record and collect as much content as we can, and map out all the course modules and bonuses.

Soon after we send you the sample, which consists of a snapshot of the content or course material we've created for you to review.

Once approved we switch to full prodution mode and over the coming weeks we upload all the course content and bonus material to the web hosting platform. We give you full access should you wish to inform us of any revisions.

Finally our marketing and copywriting specialists build your sales funnels, email automations, membership area and other technical aspects that keep the engine running smoothly in the back end. Once more, you don't lift a digit unless you want to make further revisions.

We'll Do All The Heavy Lifting

Our goal is to provide you with a true 'white glove experience', whereby we make it as easy as possible for you to get all the required information out of your head. Have it professionally edited and stored where it can be put to optimal use. Not just for this first course, but also for future use, as and when needed.

Your Project Manager will

๐Ÿ”นask you the right questions

๐Ÿ”นorganise your thoughts and teachings

๐Ÿ”นtake detailed notes and recordings on each session

๐Ÿ”นadvise on required content broken down into bite-sized tasks

๐Ÿ”นschedule updates for you to track progress you provide your input effectively, while working to a focused action plan.

You'll have clarity and full visibility as you go along, while we take care of all the creative and time-consuming aspects.

Phase 02

Customer Acquisition

By now we will have established not only who your target audience is, but where we know we'll find and convert them. So with some account set up work - via Meta Ads Manager and other such platforms - we start to build out the Campaign Funnel Structure, to include: -

๐Ÿ”นcustom audiences and their lookalikes

๐Ÿ”นretargeting campaigns

๐Ÿ”นad creative for Pre-Launch and Launch campaigns

๐Ÿ”นad copy

๐Ÿ”นset up rules protecting important KPIs (if necessary)

๐Ÿ”นad creative for ongoing growth for the program

๐Ÿ”นvideo ads and edited image ad creative

๐Ÿ”นcopy for all ad campaigns

Now we are literally ready to press 'GO'.

From Acquisition to Profit

We start with irresistable and inexpensive 'Micro Offers' to get people into your first funnel.

We don't believe in giving away freebies as lead magnets, as oftentimes doing so only attracts freebie seekers. Having a transactional relationship from the start sets the expectation, and delivers our ideal clients.

While purchasing these inexpensive Micro Offers we give buyers the opportunity to bolt-on other items to further increase revenues on the front end.

From there they gain exclusive access to the Members Area. Here we can add more value, establish trust, and make visible any useful content they may have missed.

In the Members Area they have the opportunity to view and purchse your higher ticket services, such as; recurring programs, software, coaching, consulting, physical products, done-for-you services and so on. With pricing ranging from $5 per month right through to 'Inner Circle' programs at $100,000.

Phase 03

Growth and Retention

So by now we're starting to gain new Micro Offer buyers daily AND people are buying your more expensive items too.

While it's important for us to keep our foot on the gas and keep bringing new people in, it's equally important for us to nurture and develop these new relationships, and provide fantastic experiences at all touchpoints, to keep them engaged and help them achive their goals.

Over time we get better and better at bringing in new Micro Offer clients, by optimising what we've already learned, including: -

๐Ÿ”นconstant creative performance analysis, as to what style, formats and creative structure perform best for your offers

๐Ÿ”นconstant full funnel conversion rate optimisation and ads management

๐Ÿ”นemail marketing and segmentation with the list, to maintain open rates and conversions

Developing Long-Term Clients

We put huge focus on creating loyal long-term clients who make multiple repeat purchases.

In addition to the above-mentioned high-ticket services in the Profit Phase, we develop long-term clients in other ways

๐Ÿ”นcreation and maintenance of a program newsletter for buyers of any offer

๐Ÿ”นbi-weekly 'lives'

๐Ÿ”นphysical products that learners need to achieve their goals

๐Ÿ”นnew social media content creation focussed on course outcomes

๐Ÿ”นdaily community engagement to keep retention maximised

๐Ÿ”นquizzes and polls to establish demand for future one-off or recurring programs

๐Ÿ”นaccess to to your 'fast forward' or 'inner circle' programs at a premium for those with deeper pockets

๐Ÿ”นto build up your authority and status to a level where previously unforeseen paths and opportunities present themselves

Tired Of Spinning Your Wheels?

๐Ÿ”นYou want to see a process, where you know that if you put your time and money into it, the results you desire will materialise.

๐Ÿ”นThe reputation at stake demands a professionally produced and marketed product which attacts and converts to a specific audience.

๐Ÿ”นWith the online learning industry set to be worth half a trillion dollars by 2027, this is not something you want to leave to chance.

Okay, Buy Why Should I Use Audience Blueprint? Well, Over the past 8 years Our Team Has: -

๐Ÿ”นHelped students, subject matter experts, private label brands and influencers build, launch and scale their own offers via simple to follow processes that work.

๐Ÿ”นSold high-ticket offers priced at up to $2,450 on the front end and earning over 7 figures per year by consistently validating, reevaluating and optimising offers.

๐Ÿ”นBuilt and managed global communities of varying niche interests to maintain feedback and engagement.

๐Ÿ”นGrown to being in the top 1% of course creators, having launched multiple online courses that reached over $1M in Revenue.

In Conclusion

We are hardcore online course experts who can do everything from top to bottom, and deliver results.

If you want our help, then go ahead and...

Apply to Work With Us

We'll tell you straight up if your idea is a good fit.

However if we think it's a stinker, we'll be proactive and try to come up with something more suitable to maximise your expertise

Looking For Our Social Media Handles?

For The Time Being We're Working On An Invitation-Only Basis

Which Means We Don't Promote Ourselves On Social Media On Purpose

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